IELTS in Ahmedabad
IELTS in Ahmedabad
What is the IELTS test for?
Compared to other Cambridge English exams, the IELTS is much more useful for immigration or acceptance into university. Cambridge exams such as the PET, FCE, and BULATS are used almost exclusively for employment at private companies, rather than the formal granting of medical licenses, skilled migrant visas, and acceptance into degree programs.

1. Listening
Your listening skills will be tested, logically, as you demonstrate your ability to understand the speech of native English speakers in this 40-minute exam. Each recording represents a different kind of speech: everyday conversation, monologues that occur in an everyday context (e.g. information), conversations in training/classroom settings, and formal monologues, like course lectures.
What is IELTS exam content like for the listening test?
Each recording has corresponding questions, 40 in total. They may be:
• Multiple choice
• Sentence completion
• Matching
• Plan/map/diagram labelling
• Form/note/table/flow-chart/summary completion
2. Reading
The reading section also requires you to correctly answer 40 questions, but this time, you’ll demonstrate your reading comprehension.
What is IELTS exam content like for the reading test?
The text types and passage lengths differ for the two versions of the test, but both have the same possible question formats, including:
• Multiple Choice
• Matching
• Sentence Completion
• Summary/Note/Table/Flow-Chart Completion
• Diagram Label Completion
• Short-Answer Questions
3. Writing
What is IELTS exam formatting like for the writing test? The writing portion also varies depending on which version of the test you’re taking. In either case, you will have 60 minutes to complete two writing tasks.
What is IELTS test writing like in Academic?
In this version, you’ll be required to show that you can provide a written description of some visual information (no less than 150 words in 20 minutes) and that you can develop your ideas in an essay about a specified topic (no less than 250 words in 40 minutes). Both should demonstrate your ability to use English in an academic or semi-formal tone.
What is IELTS test writing like for General Training?
The first writing task involves a familiar task, like letter writing, in response to a scenario. You will be given 20 minutes to write about 150 words. The second task is an essay and should be no less than 250 words. You will be given specific instructions on what to discuss and you will have 40 minutes to do so.
IELTS in Ahmedabad
4. Speaking
The Speaking test lasts only 11-15 minutes and is broken down into three sections:
- Part One involves a general introduction during which you are verbally asked questions that invite you to share a little bit about your life.
- Part Two requires that you speak on a topic in what is called “the long turn.” What is IELTS test Speaking long turn like, in terms of topics and structure? The topic is given to you in written form. You will be allowed to make and use notes so that your thoughts are organised before you speak.
- Part Three involves a discussion in which the examiner will ask several questions to allow you to explore the same topic in a bit deeper or more broadly together.
Best IELTS in Ahmedabad